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Peak Support

Are you a developer in need of assistance with Statamic and Peak? I can explain the concepts and help you get the most out of it.

Peak Peak Support

For €200 per hour you can book me for a dedicated one-on-on call to get support with Statamic Peak. For example we can discuss:

  • the core concepts and how to use them;

  • quickly get you up-to-speed with core features and methodologies;

  • discuss possibilities and Peak-friendly approaches;

  • find out if it’s appropriate for your project and how it might help;

  • walkthrough a demo site I’ve prepared or

  • troubleshooting time-sensitive issues.

Rob de Kort.

How it works

  1. Contact me to find a suitable moment.

  2. Tell me what you need help with.

  3. Prepare a list of questions.

  4. If necessary, invite me to your GitHub repository.

During the conversation, we will go through your list. A one-hour call costs €200.

Joris Hartsuiker Head of Development - Impres BV
Joris Hartsuiker.

Rob gave a clear and clear explanation about his boilerplate Peak and about the use of Statamic. If you are just starting out with Statamic or with his boilerplate Peak, this is an absolute must!

Companies that I have already had the pleasure of advising

Logo Humanitas.
Logo Gemeente Groningen.
Impres BV Logo.
Logo University of Groningen.
Logo Volt.
Logo Rijkswaterstraat - Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Waterstaat.
TV2 Denmark Logo.