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When jobs are at stake



Custom cursor effects, Bespoke design, Integratie with a Laravel CRM, Vacancies, FAQ, Team management, Multilingual

Technology used

Statamic, Peak, Tailwind CSS, AlpineJS, Laravel, Plyr
Kleurrijke illustratie van CodeGorilla met bladeren, planten een laptop en mensen die werken op laptops.

An inclusive labor market and enriching ICT: that is what CodeGorilla stands for. They organize coding bootcamps for motivated job seekers who want to learn the programming profession and then match them with employers. The design is by Merkactivisten (Brand Activists), who already did a complete rebranding at an earlier stage. The site has been professionalized and personalized: from now on, CodeGorilla mainly focuses on finding participants online.

Codegorilla screenshot homepage.
The homepage with gorgeous illustrations.

Since we started with a blank canvas, I was able to take the liberty of designing the back-end with Statamic in such a way that it met all needs (now and in the future), while still remaining user-friendly for the people who need to use it to work.

Health care for all people in Myanmar

  • Statamic
  • Peak
  • Tailwind CSS
  • AlpineJS
  • Stripe
  • Plyr