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Meeting each other in nature



Custom geïllustreerde interactive map, Accommodaties, Conferentiezalen, Arrangementen

Technology used

Statamic, Peak, Tailwind CSS, AlpineJS, Mapbox, Mediumzoom
Nieuw Allardsoog, thema-afbeelding van het vlinderverblijf. Een vlinder.

Bert Zijlstra called me about my work for Omke Jan (go eat there!), which he was very enthusiastic about. Bert Nieuw runs Allardsoog together with his wife and daughter Andele. There was already a site, but it was a fabric of three separate Wordpress sites. So my attention first went to a complete inventory and restructuring of all content, so that it could all be in one unified website. 

Nieuw Allardsoog wireframes.
The first wireframes.
Nieuw Allardsoog screenshot van accommodatiepagina 'De fazant'.
The design of an accommodation page.

The focus in the design was mainly on organic shapes and nature. Welcome, warm and natural. Meinte Strikwerda provided the illustrations for the map. This map is made up of tiles for different zoom levels. This keeps the performance good and only graphics that are viewed at that moment are downloaded. The map runs on Mapbox software and in Statamic items/dots/markers can be added to the map based on coordinates. More illustrations are planned in the future.

Andele Zijlstra Ondernemer - Nieuw Allardsoog
Foto van Andele Zijlstra.

We are very happy with our new website and the choice for Studio1902. What used to be difficult for our site has now been successful, namely to get our offer for two different target groups in harmony on one well-organized site. We have experienced the collaboration as very open and accessible.

Making the world a better place

  • Statamic
  • Peak
  • Tailwind CSS
  • AlpineJS
  • Livewire